Robert Kojima

Web Developer


Hi, I'm a freelance technical consultant at Wizelabs, using JavaScript, React, Material-UI, and Styled Components. Currently looking for a front-end web developer position. Always excited to learn something new. Starting to contribute to open source projects, such as Habitica.


Line Drive Baseball

React Express Node.js Mongoose Mongo Javascript HTML CSS

A baseball card game using stats to battle. Check baseball stats of the 2016 season players, as well as the career stats from legends. Send players to battle using their strengths.


Express Node.js Mongoose Mongo Javascript HTML CSS

Note taking for your books, to remember what you read. Because why read something if you're going to forget it? Put a book in your library, set a timer, and read. After the timer goes off, write down a note. Check your notes for each book in your library.

Is Streaming?

Javascript HTML CSS

A single page site that uses Twitch API to check whether a searched streamer is online or not. Also shows featured streamers.

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